The total cost of utilities each month can add up quickly, especially for bigger households. If you have a family or like taking long and relaxing showers, you know exactly what we mean. Paying a large sum each month for the resources we need on a daily basis can become draining, but we are here to help with some quick tips for shrinking your bill. While there are a few places where rates are simply out of our control (like fire protection and storm water charges, which are simply pass-throughs set by water providers) it is best to take the mindset to control cost where you can. It is true that even the littlest changes can make a world of difference for your wallet.
1) Take shorter (and cooler) showers: You would be amazed how much money is spent on water usage each month. Switching up your shower regime, even
just slightly, can be beneficial. Focus on taking shorter showers, as well as lowering the water temperature. Keeping your showers to 10 minutes maximum is the rule to follow, and you’ll be amazed the money it saves you!
2) Fix any leaky plumbing immediately: If you discover any leaky faucets, pipes, or if your toilet is constantly running, make a plan to get them fixed as soon as possible. Leaving leaky plumbing without care can result in a jump in your utility costs and could be causing unseen damage to your home. Imagine all of the money that is quite literally “going down the drain” as a result.
3) Adjust your thermostat, STAT: It can be tempting, especially during the colder months, to crank up your thermostat to keep warm. Although, this is not the most money-friendly solution. Instead, try dressing in layers or throwing on a blanket to keep comfortable. You will find it has the same effect and does not cost you anything in return.
4) Simply unplug: Make a habit of unplugging your electronic devices from the wall as soon as they have finished charging. This limits the amount of unnecessary energy that is being used to keep charging a device that is already full. Devices like cell phones, tablets, and computers suck up a lot of electricity to charge so it is best to monitor them and only allow them to obtain as much power as they truly need.
5) Ditch power-hungry appliances: These include dishwashers, ovens, and clothes dryers. Luckily, there are alternatives to using these items if you think a bit more inventively. In place of the dishwasher, you can try hand-washing all of your dishes in the sink and drying them by hand. Choose to cook food by microwave instead of in the oven, as it takes less energy overall. If you have a small load of laundry, try hanging the clothes to dry either outside or over a chair. These substitutions may make the process longer, but they will be worth it for the savings in the end.